Monday, December 7, 2009

LAMBERT Henri-Louis sea of hands.

The Sea of Hands is ANTAR's (Australians for Native Title and Reconcilation) primary public education initiative, it was created in 1997 in Australia .The Sea of Hands has been installed in every major city and many regional locations throughout Australia, and continues to gather signatures everywhere it appears.

250000 Australian have signed their names in 120000 plastic hands in order too support ANTaR.

In this photo, we can see 70,000 plastic hands in six colours.
The six colours of the Sea of Hands represent the colours of the Aboriginal flag (red, black and yellow), the Torres Strait Islander flag (blue, green and white
),and the Australian flag.

The Sea of hands is very important for young Australians.Its goal is to give support for Australians to recover their native land.

Many artists have join the sea of hands as Rachel Macy; Jess Morisson,...

In our class, we have watched a film about the stolen generation, which
was very interesting. It speaks about a family whose children were kidnapped. This film touched me because I learned that young Australian natives have suffered in the past.

My opinion:

Before these English lessons, I knew nohing about ANTaR and when we began speaking about it, it did not interest me a lot.

But having made this research on ANTaR, I understand that what they did was extremely important and I know what happened to Australian children and I am sure that I could without problem write my name and a pretty word or two behind a plastic hand.I learned what "solidarity" means.

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