Monday, December 7, 2009

sea of hands - Fanny V.P

The sea of hands is an event created by ANTaR. These hands represent the name of over 300 000 Australian children so as to support the native title and reconciliation. It is the symbol of the movement to support the rights of the Australian Natives.

There are at least two flags in Australia: one is composed of the English flag and the Southern Cross, and the other is black and red with a yellow circle. Black symbolizes the natives of Australia, red represents the earth and yellow, the sun, which is the origin of life.
This is the second flag:

Each year Reconciliation Week is held between 27 May and 3 June to commemorate two very important dates in Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian relations:

27 May is the Anniversary of the 1967 referendum when 90% of Australians voted to remove clauses, which discriminated against Indigenous Australians, from the Australian Constitution.

3 June is the Anniversary of the High Court’s handing down of the judgement made on the Mabo case, in which Eddie Mabo argued that Murray Islanders’ rights to their land were not extinguished by the annexation of the islands by the State of Queensland. The Court agreed and ‘terra nulius’ – the idea that Australia had been empty of people when settled by the British – was abandoned.

After we see the film about the stolen children, who they are placed in the center, we understand why it is very important for the Natives of Australian to celebrate this two Anniversairies.

And since then we can see in the Australian cities different sea of hands:

Such as in Lincoln's Inn Fields, on London:

The Sea of hands looks like Native Art: everything has a signification.
The film about the stolen children is very dark and hard. Their lifes are horible juste because they are diffrents and black. They are consider for someone, who is less important than a white man. We steal very small, we see this film, this si very interesant, we learn a lot of things.
"Forgive, or forget?" should be talk about this chlidren stolen and ask if we can forget this event, if we can forgive the people they organise it.

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