Aphrodite is the famous Greek goddess of beauty and love. However Shakespeare's Aphrodite was a prostitute who "did it behind the Dog and Trumpet", a pub.
Shakespeare went to the astronomer who gave him a bangle telling him to write his name on a piece of paper and put it inside the snake's mouth and then to give the bangle to his muse. So this woman would dream of him and he would recover his talent.
Queen Elizabeth I used to fall asleep during/while listening to sonnets and coughed during the plays, which annoyed Shakespeare a lot.
The woman Shakespeare fell in love with was the daughter of a wealthy man, that is to say, she was "well-monied" but not well-born that is why her father bought her a well-born husband belonging to the aristocracy. Lord Wessex had to ask the Queen for her agreement to his choice of a bride.
Viola wanted three things : poetry first and she would have loved to become an actress although she knew it would be impossible. At the time, women were not allowed to play on stage. Therefore, female parts were played by young men or boys which Viola found really/extremely ridiculous. she dreamed of adventure.
Moreover she wanted real love and she said it had nothing to do with stage love. She said men at court only saw her father's fortune but did not see nor love her, nor care for her wishes.
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